Knowing what to write when sending out holiday greetings to people you admire and love is a very important skill. This is mainly because holidays mean a lot to people around the world. There is no denying that vacations come as a blissful release from all the hustle and bustle that usually mark our daily lives.
Special holidays such as Christmas, Eid al-Fitr, New Year, and Independence Day, are widely celebrated around the world and people look forward to these events for a long time all year-long. This is why we know you don’t want to miss the chance to send holiday greetings to someone dear to you. Apparently, putting a smile on their faces by wishing them well while they go out to have the fun of their lives is one of the most important things you can do for them.
What Is The Meaning Of Happy Holidays?
The term ‘happy holidays’ is simply a broad greeting used during festive seasons to wish family and friends well as they try to make the most of the period to relax and just take time off to wind down from all the hustle of daily living. The term can be used during different festive seasons, including Christmas, New Year, Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, and other religious and non-religious celebrations.
If someone you know is celebrating a religious festivity and you don’t know exactly how to greet them, you should use the term ‘happy holidays’ to celebrate with them because it is considered to be the most inclusive and broadest greeting during festive seasons. Saying happy holidays to people you care about is an indication that you understand the significance of the season for them and that you want them to enjoy it to the fullest.
What To Write on Greeting Cards When Sending Happy Holiday Messages To Friends
Friends light up the world and that is no understatement at all. The world would almost be meaningless and painfully lonely if there were no friends to keep us company. It is said that good friends are, indeed, great gifts from God and we must treasure their company and do our best to keep them around.
This is why it is of utmost importance to keep in touch, especially when we have parted ways to celebrate festive seasons with our respective families. One of the ways we keep in touch is by exchanging messages to acknowledge the season of celebration.
What To Write For Merry Christmas Happy Holiday Wishes
Christmas is among the most anticipated seasons of the year and people plan for months on how to celebrate. You can celebrate your friends by sending them some of these messages below. Because they’re your friends, you do not need to keep it too serious.
1. My dear (your friend’s name). I just want to wish a very merry Christmas to the person who knows all of my secrets and the one person who understands the things that make me happy or sad. I love you, my friend! Merry Christmas!
2. Today, I pray that the miracles and heavenly gifts of Christmas find, gladden, and fill your wonderful heart with joyful songs, cheerfulness, and laughter. Merry Christmas (your friend’s name).
3. Hey (your friend’s name). I know you’re probably eating some chicken right now. Haha. Well, you know how much I care about our friendship and I really hope that this festive season makes way into a brighter new year for you. Merry Christmas my friend.
4. You’ve always been a wonderful friend and I pray that the beautiful moments and happy memories of the season surround you with joy this Christmas. Enjoy!
5. Dear (your friend’s name), I pray, today, that peace and joy be upon you this Christmas as you spend time with your family. This is me sending you some very warm Merry Christmas wishes, my dear friend.
6. Hey (‘bud’ or ‘girl’) Listen, I just want to let you know that my biggest Christmas present today is the fact I knew you and had a wondrous friendship with you this year, my friend. I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas. God bless you.
7. Every Christmas day is the time to be showered with love and blessings and you will not be let out of this shower. I hope that Santa fetches the best for you because you really deserve it. Wishing you Merry Christmas!
8. When we were little kids, we prayed to have a best friend in life. What we didn’t know is that our wishes would come true someday and bring us together. I treasure your friendship my friend and I wish you a very Merry Christmas!
9. I just want to let you know from the depth of my heart that having you as my friend is the most beautiful present in my life this Yuletide. Merry Christmas, my friend.
10. Even though we’re are miles apart right now, distance cannot bother our friendship. I admire your strength and pray to God today to bring to pass all your wishes and prayers. Merry Christmas.
11. It is true that true friendship can never be bought with money. Today, I feel really lucky that I am rich with friends like you. Merry Christmas my dear friend.
New Year Happy Holiday Messages
The New Year is very significant for many people. It is time to make new resolutions and set new goals. It is also a time to reflect on past deeds and achievements, as well as pray for better times.
This is why it is very important to send New Year messages to friends, wishing them well and reminding them that their futures are brighter than their current realities. Below are some of the Happy holiday greetings you can send to friends for the New Year.
1. I have come to realize that nothing can weaken our friendship. Literally! I am incredibly certain that the more time we keep spending together in the coming years, the tighter and better our friendship will become. I know that better things are in store for us in the coming year. Happy New year my friend.
2. I have been showered with many blessings this year and one of them is the fact that I have friends like you in my life this New Year. Here’s to many years to come! Happy New Year (bro or sis).
3. We have made so many memories together in the past year and I know we shall make even more in the next one. So, here’s to a fond farewell to the old, the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold. Happy New Year my friend.
4. I feel really blessed when I realize that I’ve made it to another year with my best friend! I pray that all of this year be filled up with laughter for us. Happy New Year (bro or sis).
5. I just want to tell you today that I am extremely happy to have you in my life, mate. Happy New Year to you and your family!
6. I’m so glad you made it to the new year my friend. I pray that in this new year, you will experience great blessings, wealth, and health. Happy New Year!
7. Welcome to a new beginning. I pray that God will help us to strengthen our bond as friends and also help us tighten our bond with our families this New Year. Happy New Year my friend.
8. Here is sending you the warmest New Year wishes my dearest friend. I really treasure is our friendship and wish you find the coming year as wonderful as what we have together. God bless you, my friend.
9. I know that life keeps changing everyday and things are never the same. But, you, my dear friend are still the same person who has accepted me the way I am. Here is wishing you another delightful year full of successful outputs.
10. My wonderful friend. Congratulations on making it to a new year. I want to let you know that you have made the past year very special and important for me. I care about the amazing friendship we enjoy and I am wishing you glorious things as the year starts.
11. Hey (your friend’s name). I want to remind you on this joyous day that your friendship is ever cheerful and makes me very happy. I appreciate your presence in my personal space and I hope you have a Happy New Year.
Eid al-Fitr Happy Holiday Quotes
Muslims all over the world celebrate different holidays every year and it is very important to reach out to our Muslim friends and celebrate with them. Some of the holidays they celebrate are Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, and others.
You can use the holiday greetings below to wish your Muslim friends well on specific holidays by modifying them to suit the particular holiday season.
1. Today is a wonderful day of joy and I know what it means especially for you. I pray that the Almighty Allah accepts your Ibadat, and grant you many happy Eid al-Fitr returns. Barka da Sallah!
2. My dear friend. On this wonderful day, I want to wish you a blessed Eid-el-Adha. I pray earnestly that Allah showers his blessings and great mercy upon you and your household.
3. Hello (your friend’s name). You must be really excited today. I know that for sure. Barka da Sallah my friend. I pray that the almighty Allah make you witness many more days like this in life with peace, success, wealth, long life, and prosperity in good health. AMIN.
4. Barka da Sallah and Happy Eid al-Fitr dear (your friend’s name). May Allah bless you immensely.
5. Today, my heart truly rejoices with you as you once again celebrate a glorious Eid al-Fitr. I pray that Allah provides all your needs forever. Barka da Sallah. Keep my meat.
6. I’m praying for you today that joy and true love envelop you this festive season of Eid al-Fitr. I pray that these happy and warm moments of the Eid al-Fitr season bring peace to you and your family. Barka da Sallah!
7. My dear friend. A very happy Eid al-Fitr to you. And please, slow down on the meat. Hahaha. I pray that this Eid al-Fitr brings more fulfillment, happiness, and cheer into your life.
8. As you celebrate this truly remarkable season of Eid al-Fitr, I pray that the peace and blessing of the season be with you and your entire family. Barka Da Sallah.
9. Dear (your friend’s name). On this wondrous occasion, may the Almighty Allah shower your soul with pure bliss and life with happiness. Happy Eid al-Fitr to you and your family.
10. On this Eid al-Fitr, I pray that the Almighty Allah keeps on helping to guide all your affairs! I pray that you witness more wealth and good health in your celebration. Barka de Sallah!
Beautiful Happy Holiday Messages For Family Members
There is no denying the fact that family is life! Your family members are an indelible part of your life and the bond between you and them is unbreakable. True, fights can happen but in end, your family is all you’ve got. This is why we must treasure the relationships with have with them and keep things smooth.
Most times, we spend festive seasons with our families but in the case that we traveled or are caught up somewhere during the festive period, we can write beautiful notes or holiday greetings to our family members, telling them how much they mean to us.
Christmas Day Happy Holiday Messages for Family
1. Oh my God, I can’t describe how much I am missing all of you on this wonderful Christmas Day! I’m wishing you a very merry Christmas and for the family to be full of love and happiness. Have a blast!
2. There is nothing more wonderful than a family with a great bond. I pray that the Christmas spirit this year brings great unity, peace, hope, and love to our family. Wishing Merry Christmas to the most supportive family in the world!
3. I know I can’t say this enough and so here it is again; thank you so much for being my constant support (include your mum, dad, sister, brother, or any other names). You give me life! I pray that this Yuletide overwhelms you with happiness and joy. Merry Christmas.
4. Dear (include your mum, dad, sister, brother, or any other names), seasons like this remind me just how lucky I am to have you in my life. You mean the world to me. I pray that this Yuletide is a grand introduction to greater things and a more magical time for you. Merry Christmas.
5. You make our family one whole vibe of joy and laughter. I can’t tell you this enough and on this Christmas day, it becomes even more glaring! I love you. Merry Christmas.
6. One thing is sure; spending a Christmas season surrounded by you is a truly magical experience that I can never trade for anything. I am truly excited and really happy that I am surrounded by such a wondrous family with whom I can spend my holidays. Merry Christmas!
8. I pray that this Yuletide brings a lot of goodness and incredible happiness to our family! Merry Christmas!
New Year Happy Holiday Wishes for Family Members
1. There are many things I want to change as I go into the new year. But, the only thing that I wish to remain unchanged for the New Year is only you, my family! I love you so much. Happy New Year!
2. I am so excited to be a member of this family and you bring the spark to us all. Thank you for being an integral part of my life and helping me grow last year. May this new year bring more goodness for us all. Happy New Year.
3. I have always been thankful to God that we are a close-knit family but I pray that this new year makes us even closer to each other. May this New Year bring health and happiness to each one of you my dear family. I love you. Happy New Year.
4. You have worked so hard to bring happiness and prosperity to our family and these are two things that truly matter to us as members of this blessed and beautiful family. We love you and I pray that we all have a Happy New Year!
5. I want to emphatically reiterate that I am so glad that God has blessed me with such an amazing family. What will I do without you? Happy New Year. May all the good things happen to us this fresh start.
6. I want to express my most sincere and deepest feelings of love and gratitude to you as we proceed into the new year! Last year was a blast because of you and I pray that this new year produces more awesome moments for us all. Thanks for being together for one more year!
7. I have decided to change many things in my life this new year but the only thing I wish to remain the same is the warmth and love that our family offers to us. I love you all, Happy New Year.
8. There’s nothing more adorable than this family. It’s the beautiful gift that I have and this new year makes it all the more glaring to me. It is my utmost prayer that this year brings with it some really blissful memories for my lovely family.
9. It is truly remarkable that a family like ours lights up every year with happiness and joy! This year is no exception and I consider myself so lucky to be a part of it! Happy New Year.
10. Dear (mom or dad), Happy New Year to you. Thanks for everything you do for me, I cannot express how much I love you. You’re my life and seasons like this remind me just how lucky I am to have you in my life. I love you so much.
Eid al-Fitr Happy Holiday Quotes for Family Members
1. Allah has deemed it fit to help us see another Eid al-Fitr and I cannot express how much happiness this fact brings to my heart. I wish that Allah’s blessings light up the path and make us bond more as a family. Barka da Sallah!
2. It is yet another great season to celebrate the joys Allah fills our hearts with. My wishes for us as a family are a long happy life from God and lots of prosperity. Wish you a very Happy Sallah.
3. Dear (include the name), it’s a day of rejoicing and bliss; a day of blessing and peace and I’m happier that we are all here to witness it together as a family. May Allah bless us more. Barka da Sallah.
4. Dear (include the name), Barka da Sallah. It is a wonderful day and I pray that Allah floods your life with happiness on this occasion. May he fill your heart with love and your mind with wisdom. Happy Eid al-Fitr.
5. A day like this is great for togetherness and a time to remember all our blessings. For me, my biggest blessing is having you, my family in my life. May Allah keep blessing you. Barka da Sallah.
6. I pray that the choicest blessings of Allah fill your life with joy prosperity today and may this day usher in the bluebird of happiness to fly over you. Barka da Sallah.
7. As we go about being merry and happy today, I want to pray for you that happiness stays at your door and you receive the perfect gift of Allah’s love, peace, joy. Happy Eid al-Fitr.
Ways To Wish Someone ‘Happy Holiday’ Professionally
If you own a business then you must realize that there is nothing more important than building a very strong connection or relationship between you and your clients or customers. Constantly being in touch with your clients is one way to ensure that your relationship with them remains strong.
Festive periods and holidays are among the perfect moments to solidify your relationship with your clients by sending them professional holiday greetings. This will gladden their hearts and endear then to you. You should know that simple acts such as sending these messages can create a loyal customer for life in your business. Below are some of the holiday greetings you can send to your clients to make them stick to your brand.
What To Say When The Holiday Wishes Are For Christmas
1. It is that time of the year again when jingle bells fill the air and pure bliss takes over. However, the real joy of this holiday season for us is the opportunity to say thank you for your patronage and wish you the very best. Have a fun-filled Holiday! Merry Christmas
2. Yuletides remind us how lucky we are to have you as a client. We cannot forget the benefits of being in relationships with great customers like you. This is saying a very big thank you for giving us the unique chance to do what we enjoy. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a joyful New Year!
3. We wish you a very Merry Christmas on this beautiful day of joy. We hope you have lots of fun and we look forward to you having a greater future with us.
4. Season’s greetings from the entire crew at [company name]. We hope you have fun this holiday period with your family and friends. Merry Christmas.
5. It is that time of the year again when we are given the special chance to give thanks to clients like yourself who have made our jobs easier and our lives more fulfilling. Thank you for being you. From all of us at [company name]. Merry Christmas.
6. Dear customer, this is our thank you note expressing our sincerest appreciation for the trust you have placed in us. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas celebration.
What To Say If Happy Holiday Messages Are For New Year
1. Dear customer, we at (company name) sincerely thank you for your patronage throughout this past year. We wish you a joyful holiday season and hope to see you more this year. Happy New Year.
2. Compliments of the season. This is wishing you a happy holiday season and a refreshing start to a new year of peace and happiness. Happy New Year.
3. Dear customer! In deepest gratitude for your patronage during the past year, we extend our best wishes for you this New Year. Happy New Year and we hope you have lots of fun during this holiday with family and friends.
4. Dear customer, we are so thankful to have clients like you in our lives. We hope you have lots of fun this holiday season. Happy New Year to you.
5. It’s that time of the year again when we have to look back upon the past year to acknowledge those who have helped us shape our business. Thanks for giving us a great year. We wish you all the best as you embark on [add year].
6. This past year has been filled with awesome moments and you are one of those who made it happen for us. We sincerely appreciate working with you and hope that the holidays and the coming year bring you happiness and success. Happy New Year!
7. Dear customer, this is saying a huge thank you for all your loyalty and patronage. This holiday season, we take a look back with appreciation for your interaction with us. We hope to see more of you this year. Happy New Year. Cheers!
8. Dear customer, we are truly honored to have you as a client and we look forward to serving you better in the future. Happy New Year.
What To Say When Happy Holiday Greetings Are For Eid al-Fitr
1. Barka da Sallah. This is us wishing you every happiness that comes with this holiday season and throughout the coming years. Thank you for your patronage and happy Eid al-Fitr. Cheers!
2. On this festive day, we wish you the joy of family, the gift of friends, and the best of everything life can offer. Happy Eid al-Fitr.
3. Dear customer, we at (company name) send you our warmest wishes this Eid al-Fitr. We hope that the season brings you peace, love, and joy. Barka da Sallah.
4. Dear customer, we hope that this joyful season brings you lots of great memories and ends on a joyful note. Happy Eid al-Fitr.
5. We at (company name) send you our warmest regards on this joyful festival of Eid al-Fitr. I pray that the beautiful blessings of the Almighty Allah overwhelm you with holistic joy and peace. Barka Da Sallah!
When Can You Start Saying Happy Holidays?
Many people have often asked when it is right to greet others with the term ‘happy holidays’. The answer is not quite a straightforward one because people’s reactions to this are different. For many people, wishing others happy holidays, especially when it is for Christmas or other religious festive seasons, is something they start doing right from the first week of December. Some others prefer to wait until three or four days to the day before they start saying it.
Also, others say it when meeting people for the last time before the holidays come. The truth is, there is no right or wrong answer to this question. However, it is noteworthy that when festive seasons get close, the air is usually charged with anticipation and, at this point, anyone can start saying happy holidays to family and friends.