Switching the calendar over is usually a reason to come up with personal resolutions for the forthcoming year. Additionally, it is a route to cause several worries for you if the goals that you set for yourself are not reachable, extremely hard or just something you have no involvement in the undertaking. With so many of us failing with our New Year resolutions, we sometimes wonder if we should even bother making them anymore. It seems that for many people, New Year resolutions are destined for failure anyway. Making resolutions can be carried out whenever you want, but if you’ve been considering a couple of new ones, here are some ideas & tips for your new year resolutions to help you not only make promises but to also keep them.
Ideas, Tips and How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions
1. Set goals that are reasonable
The most significant thing that you can do is to set reasonable goals and commitments for yourself. Don’t try to lose weight and quit smoking all at the same time, because the stress from these two huge commitments will most likely cause you to fail. The best thing to do is to pick one and just run with it; maybe you could save the other one for your next year resolution. Many factors are affecting effective goal settings and spending some time considering these as you design your goals or visions will ensure a better success rate of achieving your goals. You can also consider having a life coach to help you with your goal setting.
2. Keep your resolutions specific.
When you define your resolution in broad terms such as, “I’m going to be healthier.” You are setting yourself up for failure once again. The best way to define your resolution is to be very specific. Instead of “I’m going to be healthier.” You should commit to, “I’m going eat healthier and start exercising at least three times a week.” By making your resolution more specific, you are giving yourself realistic goals and setting yourself up for success.
3. Make Your Targets Smaller
You should take a huge goal like “I’m going to volunteer more” and make it smaller and more obtainable. For instance, you could commit to volunteering two or three times a month at your local soup kitchen or food pantry.
4. You should consider teaming up with someone.
If your goal is to take that kick boxing class at your local gym, maybe you could enlist a friend to take the class with you. If you want to eat healthier, maybe you and your spouse could take a cooking class together. The buddy system can be a great source of encouragement and help you to stick with your commitments and allow you to have fun while you are doing it.
5. Be sure to choose goals that are important to you.
Be sure to think about your resolution and come up with great reasons why you want to do them. When you want to feel better, do more to prolong your life, achieve a life long goal, or do something your family has been begging you to do. By choosing something that is available and good for your heart, you are truly setting yourself up for achievement when it comes to sticking with your New Year’s resolutions.
6. Give yourself small rewards along the way.
No matter what your goals are, it’s always easier to achieve them when you’re rewarded for your progress. Break your major goal into smaller goals and then think of a small reward for yourself after you accomplish it.
7. Celebrate at the end.
When you’ve finally reached your goal, have a celebration. You did it, and you should be proud of yourself and your accomplishments. Treat yourself to something nice, something you’ve always wanted or something you want to indulge in. If you’re working with a friend, arrange to give each other gifts when you reach your goals. Send your friend a surprise gift basket at the office or treat her to a morning at the spa. Whatever you do, make sure it’s something special that you will only get as a reward for accomplishing your goal.
To fulfill your New Year resolutions successfully, you must make a total commitment to them. This involves scheduling dedicated time each week to work on goals progressively and continuously monitoring the results. Resolutions aren’t to your detriment. They’re for your benefit and your approach towards a particular resolution will enable you to evaluate if you should make a clear resolution or not. Any resolution made which doesn’t have your enthusiastic backing will turn into a barrier and ignored altogether so make resolutions that matter and be the more effective for it.