There are not many better ways to have fun with your friends than to play the Never Have I Ever questions game – one that allows you to get to know things you otherwise would have never known about people around you. It does not matter if these people are close friends or strangers as this game will surely bring all those involved closer to each other, allowing everyone to share both embarrassing and interesting things about themselves.
How To Play The Never Have I Ever Game
To play the Never Have I Ever game, everyone would be required to sit around a table or at least in a circle. Then one after the other, each person would get to ask questions that begin with the “Never Have I Ever” phrase. It is imperative that you pick your questions wisely, and not fixate yourself on asking intensely personal questions that would take people back into their shells. Also, depending on what everyone involved decides, you can choose to play the game as either a drinking game or a points game.
As a drinking game, when someone asks a Never Have I Ever question, those who have done so are required to take a drink. The person who takes the drink can then go ahead to provide background details of how it all happened. But if nobody has done the said thing, the person who asked the question is required to take a drink. The game continues until people get too drunk and are unable to continue. There is also no winner here unlike you would have if it is played as a points game.
For the points game, the sitting arrangement remains the same and everyone begins with the same number of points. When one person asks a question and someone or different people in the circle have done the said thing, a point is deducted from their total. These people are also required to share the circumstances around what happened. But if nobody has done what was asked, then the person who asked the question gets a point deducted from their own total. This goes on and on until someone wins the game.
Examples of Never Have I Ever Questions You Can Ask
1. Never have I ever told a girl “I Love You” just to get her to sleep with me.
This is a sure winner because many boys out there have found themselves lying to a girl just to get to take them to bed.
2. Never have I ever hit something or someone and run away
Hit and run is a felony so not many people might be willing to admit it. However, if you all are close friends and people are comfortable in sharing what happened, the background story behind such an incident could make the night turn into a legendary one.
3. Never have I ever gotten so drunk that I forgot my way home
The most outrageous things have happened when people have had one too many drinks.
4. Never have I ever thrown up on someone
A great follow-up question to the previous one that still addresses drunken behavior.
5. Never have I ever shaved a word or symbol into the hair on my body
This question is a winner as everybody has tried to get creative when they are shaving.
6. Never have I ever been bitten or chased by a dog
Haven’t we all found ourselves in a situation where a dog chased us on the street or in the home of a friend?
7. Never have I ever performed a solo in the shower
Everyone thinks they hit the same high notes as Mariah Carey when they are in the shower.
8. Never have I ever shit in my pants in public
Your bowels are always never in sync with you
9. Never have I ever slept with someone within the hour of which I met them
Be careful that you do not lose a relationship or end the relationship of other people with this question.
10. Never have I ever fallen asleep on the wheel
A perfect question to ask a frequent long-distance driver
11. Never have I ever had a nightmare that featured a family member
Our dreams and nightmares usually feature those that are very close to us, which makes this question a perfect one to ask.
12. Never have I ever locked myself out of my house or car
A lot of people make a living as a result of the carelessness of others, which means that there might be a high chance that a few people in the room with you have found themselves in that situation.
13. Never have I ever peeped into the house of my neighbors
Curiosity killed the cat.
14. Never have I ever dyed my hair
You may be ruffling the feathers of those who are trying to hide the creeping signs of age.
15. Never have I ever used a parachute before
You must have some background information about those you are playing this game with before asking this question.
16. Never have I ever done body shots
A perfect question to ask when you are playing the drinking/alcohol version of the never have I ever game.
17. Never have I ever farted in a meeting or gathering
People fart in the most ridiculous places because they have no option but to let it go
18. Never have I ever masturbated
Not many people will be willing to admit it but there is a high chance that everyone in the room must have masturbated before in their life.
19. Never have I ever exposed my genitals to an unsuspecting stranger
A perfect question to ask if you have girls that have ever gone for spring break in the room
20. Never have I ever faked illness so that I could skip school or work
The story of every human being on the planet
21. Never have I ever given directions that I know were wrong
People get a kick out of giving unsuspecting strangers the wrong directions while others do it because they just can’t say they do not know.
22. Never have I ever gone on a blind date
People have done the most ridiculous things in the search of love. Going on a blind date isn’t one of those things and a lot of people have gotten to meet their significant other through blind dates, making this a perfect question to keep the game going.
23. Never have I ever made up a story to get out of a traffic ticket
Depending on the type of people in the room, this is a question to get everyone drinking or have their points reduced.
24. Never have I ever won a bet
Humans are generally very competitive people who are always willing to bet over the outcome of something they believe in; whether it is a sporting event, the weather, etc. Chances are that at least a few people in the room have been successful at this.
25. Never have I ever made a prank phone call
Prank phone calls are one of the most popular things to do on April Fools day. There are definitely a few good stories that people have to share about this question.
26. Never have I ever ridden a horse
Almost everyone has a great story to share about when they first rid a horse.
27. Never have I ever crashed a wedding
Those strange faces you see in the pictures of your wedding are most likely wedding crashers. See if you have a few of them as friends.
28. Never have I ever lied to get out of a lie that I was caught in
It is a never-ending cycle of lies when you get used to lying.
29. Never have I ever eaten expired food
If it still smells good and does not have any visible sign of being bad, I’m pretty sure a few of us have done so.
30. Never have I ever left dog poop on someone else’s property
Perfect question to ask if you have dog owners present. They tend to look the other way when their dogs poop on someone’s property, especially if it is that of those annoying neighbors.
31. Never have I ever experienced a natural disaster
Even though one might have been filled with anguish at the time, when looking back at it, there are great stories that come from one experiencing a natural disaster like earthquakes or hurricanes.
32. Never have I ever lost something that I borrowed
How many times have we given something to someone else and they said they lost it?
33. Never have I ever done something dumb while trying to impress a member of the opposite sex
Missing your step and falling down, lifting something heavy and breaking your back, etc.. A few people definitely have a good story to share.
34. Never have I ever been to the theatre more than twice to see the same movie
When the movie is so good, it’s good. No problem. But was it a case of having to take or follow your multiple partners to the movies?
35. Never have I ever peed in the shower or swimming pool
This behavior is more common than many people are willing to admit as the body literally forces pee out of you when you are in the water.
36. Never have I ever lied to protect a friend who was cheating
Be careful you do not come clean about lying for those who have their partners playing the game with you.
37. Never have I ever slept with different people within the space of 24 hours
A lot of wild things happened in college and during spring break. Ensure that it is a judgment-free zone so people can share their stories.
38. Never have I ever had sex in a public area
A great follow-up question to the previous one as such things tend to happen when you are young, wild, and stupid.
39. Never have I ever swam naked in a lake or public pool
One of those things people have on their bucket list. Those who have done so probably have a decent story to tell about it; how close they were to being caught by security, losing their clothes, etc.
40. Never have I ever lied about a family member dying to skip out of attending an event
People will say anything they have to say just to get out of doing something they have no interest in.
41. Never have I ever pressured someone to commit a crime
Burglary, larceny, arson, etc. Which one have you encouraged someone to do
42. Never have I ever been electrocuted
DIY has led to the electrocution of many people, although some people have been electrocuted as a result of them doing something stupid. In this case, there is a fascinating story to share.
43. Never have I ever picked up a hitchhiker
Depending on what part of the world you reside in, picking up a stranger on the road is not the most security-conscious thing to do. Either way, for whatever reason that prompted you to help, hitchhikers are usually very intriguing people.
44. Never have I ever run from a police officer
Very interesting. Make sure no details are left behind.
45. Never have I ever had a crush on a parent of my friend
Kids have the weirdest crushes on people, so it being a friend’s parent is not far-fetched. It would be interesting to see if any of those friends are in the room.
46. Never have I ever tried to cut or braid my own hair
A lot of people have tried to do it but have been unable to do it well.
47. Never have I ever sent a text I immediately regretted
The worst part about doing this is that there is no way to stop it from going through. You have no choice but to live with whatever it is that you sent.
48. Never have I ever posted my nude photos online
People do the craziest things to get followers on social media. Don’t be surprised if someone in the room has done this.
49. Never have I ever cheated on a test
Unless you are cold-hearted, you probably had your heart racing and almost thought you were caught while you were cheating. Either way, that experience makes for a good story.
50. Never have I ever had road rage
Every motorist has probably had a road rage incident that they would never forget.
51. Never have I ever received a gift from an anonymous person
When you have feelings for someone you know you should probably not be feeling that way about, sending gifts anonymously is the way to go.
52. Never have I ever stolen money from my mom’s purse?
Didn’t we all go through that phase when we stole money to go buy candy or junk food?
53. Never have I ever worn the same underwear for two days in a row
You probably might not get a response from the girls but be sure to see the boys quiver.
54. Never have I ever traveled outside the country and done something illegal
This question should definitely lead to some very entertaining stories.
55. Never have I ever gotten into a physical or verbal altercation with a supervisor.
Drama! Whether they are proud of their actions or not, ensure that they share every little detail.
No matter what version of the Never Have I Ever questions game you decide to play, ensure that everyone feels comfortable enough to share their accompanying stories to the question. Without this, the game might end up not being much fun and could end just as quickly as it started. Also, try to avoid asking too personal or too serious questions. Have fun!